Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fun With Conspiracy Theories

Who doesn't like a good conspiracy theory? OK, let me rephrase that. Who doesn't believe in at least one conspiracy theory? And to qualify that a bit further, I would be very surprised if anyone on the planet doesn't believe in at least one conspiracy theory, even if they don't realize it's a conspiracy theory.

The point of this piece will not be to explore conspiracy theories in depth. Consider it more of a primer to introduce you to a few of the more popular mainstream, and also fringe conspiracies. Needless to say, any comments I give are only my opinion. People will believe what they want, utterly convinced that what they believe is the truth, no matter how unsupported or ridiculous their truth sounds to you or me. Or perhaps their theory is your truth as well, no matter how unsupported or ridiculous it sounds to others.

So just to be clear, I live on this planet, ergo, I believe in at least one conspiracy theory. (My blog, my rules) I'm going to bring out the bullshit meter to express my opinion on a few of these, with 1 on the BS meter meaning I am likely to agree with a conspiracy theory, and 10 meaning I think it's bullshit.

David Icke
Conspiracy Theory: Reptilian aliens masquerading as humans.
Bullshit meter: 9

I had never heard of this guy in particular. I should have because I am a conspiracy nut, not that I believe in a lot of conspiracies, but in the sense that I read a lot about conspiracies because let's face it, they are entertaining if nothing else. Icke has written a lot (19 books) about many different conspiracies, but not knowing a lot about him, I'm only going to mention one. He say's there are alien reptilians amongst us... and they are wearing human meat skins. In other words, they are masquerading as humans.

As I said previously, I'm not going into these conspiracies in depth, but briefly he says that George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie (just to mention a few) are all reptilian aliens. He say's there are not enough of them to take over the planet outright, so they are doing it covertly. The reason this got a 9 and not a 10 on the bullshit meter is because anytime that someone mentions George W. Bush in a conspiracy, well there has to be a little truth to it.

Overall this got a 9 because I believe if aliens could come to our planet, they would own us even if their number was small. Imagine the technology for interstellar or multidimensional flight. Earth would be toast if conquest was their game.

Sources: Wikipedia, David Icke, Investigation Discovery

1969 Moon Landing
Conspiracy Theory: The moon landings were faked.
Bullshit meter: 10

This has to be one of, if not the top contested conspiracy theories. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of YouTube videos where crack conspiracy theorists debunk the landings. And just as many debunking the debunkers, The theory is that there were simply to many technological problems that could not be surmounted by NASA at their current level at that time, and that there were to many unexplained anomalies in photos from the surface of the moon.

Things like shadows and reflections that should not have been seen, apparent movement of the US flag caused by phantom wind or vibration and such. Some people say astronauts couldn't live passing through the Van Allen radiation belt. Some say that the air conditioners on the space suits couldn't possibly work on the moon. Essentially, the general consensus with theorists is that the landings were faked on a Hollywood like sound stage.They think the reason we haven't gone back is because we had never gone in the first place.

This got a big fat 10 on the bullshit meter. So we faked the landings not once, not twice, but thrice times two? Six moon landings faked? Why in the hell would NASA do that? And how could they possibly keep such a massive secret within the thousands of NASA employees? It's a sad day when people are unable to believe in the perseverance and ingenuity of the human race. One person sees a little white line flash on the screen of a video from the moon and they see it as a cable or wire supporting a galloping astronaut in the 1/6th gravity of the moon. Another person sees it as it actually is, a little withe line, an imperfection or artifact in the film itself.

Personally, I think we quit going to the moon because it was costing to much, was to dangerous and didn't return enough dividends. Some will say that there were signs of aliens on the moon and they told us to stay home... but that's another conspiracy theory for another day.

Sources: Moon landings faked

Conspiracy Theory: The government is covering up the existence of aliens.
Bullshit meter: 1

Well this whole thing of picking sides on this subject is pretty straight forward. First you have to believe that there is indeed intelligent life on other planets. (Or other dimensions if you prefer.) This shouldn't be difficult. There are at least a hundred billion stars with planets around them in our galaxy alone. There are 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe so it is thought that there are least 10 trillion planets in the universe. Not only are there many millions in the so called goldilocks zone or habitable zone like earth is that would harbor life as we know it, but there are probably many millions more that harbor life of some sort that we can't even begin to comprehend.

Why would the government cover up such a thing. Because they fear a revelation of such magnitude would cause social upheaval and the breakdown of society. Imagine the implications on religion alone. Now many religious people would say their god created aliens as well. But there would probably be billions of others who could not accept that. So what would happen if a billion religious people freaked out? Or just 10 million average Americans for that matter...

There is no doubt that when aliens are revealed as a fact, there will be changes. So I understand the reasoning behind the government coverup. I totally believe there is alien life on other planets. It is arrogant to believe we are alone in this massive galaxy, let alone the entire universe. Until there is proof in civilian hands, like alien wreckage or bodies, then this will remain as a conspiracy...

Source: Discovery

Conspiracy Theory: 9/11 was not simply a terrorist attack.
Bullshit meter: 6

I believe there is much more to this than we were ever told in the 9/11 Commission Report. I'm on the fence pretty much here. I think there is a lot of bullshit conspiracy theory out there on this as well as some very interesting inconsistencies.

Within minutes of the explosion at the Pentagon, FBI agents collected all surveillance tapes from locations surrounding it. So far only one frame in one video shows a blurry image of what might be an airplane. Flight instructors (as well as highly trained pilots) claimed that none of the terrorists who had flight training were capable of what they did. No high rise building has ever collapsed from a fire.

To be clear, I'm not saying that no planes crashed. I'm not saying terrorists were not involved. I'm saying there is much more to this than what we were told.

Sources: 9/11 Conspiracies

Hollow Earth
Conspiracy Theory: The earth is hollow and probably inhabited... maybe by Nazi's.
Bullshit meter: 10

Well this is just silly. (People used to think the earth was flat too, which is silly now, but was it so silly then?) There's really nothing much to say about this other than there are actually people who believe the earth is hollow. This belief is in part supported by cryptic comments made by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd in his over flights of the north pole describing it as "That enchanted Continent in the Sky, Land of Everlasting Mystery!" And also, "I'd like to see that land beyond the (North) Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the Center of the Great Unknown." Some people actually think he flew his plane into the hollow earth. Some conspiracy theorists think that Hitler and some of his top brass escaped into the hollow earth from the south pole. 

Sources: Hollow Earth

Conspiracy Theory: Contrails actually result from chemicals or biological agents sprayed from planes.
Bullshit meter: 10

This is a very hotly contested subject on most conspiracy theory sites. The belief is that contrails now contain harmful chemicals and biological agents to help subjucate the population, make them more controllable by the New World Order. Or perhaps as even population reduction. 

Just seems to me if there was such a thing that it would be impossible to hide the infrastructure needed to accomplish such a thing. I mean you're talking about a huge undertaking to promote a world wide conspiracy and I have never once seen an explanation on how it is done. Where are these chemical tanks, where or when is all this introduced into the fuel of the jets. 

Yes well there are a hell of a lot more chemtrails  now than there were contrails when I was a kid. Indeed. There are also a hell of a lot more planes now than there were back then. More planes = more contrails.

Source: Chemtrails 

So there's a few conspiracy theories for you. There are a million of them, like the JFK assassinationglobal warming, HAARP, plastic coffins and concentration camps, the Philadelphia experiment, fluoride and Teflon. And remember a good conspiracy is never more than a quick search away.

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