Monday, November 12, 2012

Big House and Gangsta

Big House

So yeah, now we hear all the gloom and doom about what is going to happen with the re-election of the POTUS. (That's the President Of The United States for those who didn't know) Well we heard all the gloom and doom before the election too. Seems we have a bit of flip flopping already.

David Siegel, the CEO of Westgate Resorts was a naysayer of happy things if Romney lost the election. You know, the raising of taxes, the ensuing layoff's of his employees etc... Well apparently things aren't going so bad for Westgate Resorts, at least not yet. For all their whining about the economy being such a wreck and how Obama has done such a terrible job, they sure seem to be kind of free and loose with their money. All their employees are receiving a 5% raise. And David Siegel is going ahead with the construction of his 90,000 square foot house. (Perhaps the biggest private house in the US)

Let's see, how big is 90,000 square feet. Think big. Think football. Think football field. Now double that and we're pretty close. Yep, damn near the size of two football fields. That's a big house. Let's see, if you don't include out attached garage, you could fit 90 houses the same size of our houses footprint in there. Yes, I said 90. That's obscene.

Yes, so to recap David Siegel said Westgate Resorts had record profits this year under the Obama administration...  And they wanted Romney in there why?


I wonder how safe all the people who use McAfee security software feel now. John McAfee, the antivirus pioneer who created McAfee Antivirus is wanted for murder. According to an article on Gizmodo, McAfee has openly admitted hanging with some of the most notorious gangsters in Belize. He's also hanging out on a drug-focused Russian-hosted message board.

Yes. So now he's spending his time trying to purify psychoactive compounds or 'bath salts' into 'super perv powder'. Why the super perv reference? I guess because he says the best way to use it is to dampen the tip of your finger, dab a little drug powder onto it and stick it up your butt...

So can all you happy virus free people visualize that OK? Your McAfee savior sticking his finger.... well, never mind. I guess I should mention that McAfee hasn't been involved in the company since 1994. Hopefully his hands were pretty clean back then. Personally, I have had nothing but trouble with McAfee software. It seems to break your computer if you don't resubscribe to the update service... on purpose. Or it could just be I do my drugs wrong...

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