Saturday, November 10, 2012

Steal My Money, Please

Life is hard enough without corporate America stealing our money. I mean they don't have to steal it, we pay them a fair share as it is. (Or unfair share, however you wish to look at it) Still it seems they can make whatever rules they want to their advantage and there is little or nothing we can do about it. Duke power, our electric provider in NC stole some of our money. Why? Evidently because they can.

Here is a short version of the story. We recently paid a power bill online. Through an error on our part, we inadvertently moved the decimal point on our payment and submitted it for Duke Power to deduct from our bank account. The actual payment was for let's say $250.00 but due to our error was input as $2500.00. So naturally Duke Power will take what ever amount you want to pay them, as long as it is equal to or more than you owe. Even if it is ten times what you owe.

Needless to say, we didn't have $2500.00 in our account. We had more than enough to pay the $250.00, but of course being a Romney 47, and not a 53, we fell way short of the $2500.00. So even though we didn't owe Duke Power $2500.00, they charged us $20.00 for insufficient funds on the $2500.00 bill we didn't owe. And the bank charged us an overdraft fee as well... of course they did. Because they can.

You know... that just plain sucks. So do you think we could get Duke Power to credit us back the twenty bucks? Hell no. This is what's wrong with our country. That companies can get away with this shit is insane. There is no reason on earth why they should keep that money. They certainly don't need it, and it isn't theirs. But they keep it because they can...

Duke Power, you are thieving big sucks, just sucking the life out of us 47's....

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