Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This Is Big... Really Big

Sky City

China is a big country. They have the largest population, so it only makes sense that they are going to build the biggest skyscraper on the planet. How big? A 220-story behemoth that reaches 2,749 feet into the air. That's quite a tall order, pun intended. Still that's hardly the amazing part. The amazing part is that after preparing the foundation, they plan on completing the building in 90 days. Yes, I said 90 days.

The building will house a hospital, a school, 17 helipads and apartments for 30,000 people. The construction will be by Broad Sustainable Building Corp. and 95% of it will be prefabbed. Sky City will supposedly withstand a 9.0 earth quake. Follow the link below to read more...

Source: Time Newsfeed

Big Dump

No, this is not about the biggest turd. It's about a Caterpillar 797 dump truck. It can haul up to 400 thousand pounds rock or dirt, has 14 foot tall tires, weighs 1.375 million pounds and has a 3,400 horse power diesel engine. This bad boy is designed to run 24 hours a day. If it carries and then empties 4 loads of material in an hour, it has made $60,000. Wow. I want one...

Source: Discovery

Amphicoelias Fragillimus

A dinosaur of course. How big is the A-Frag? 60 meters. That's wider than a football field. (48.8 meters) It could eat you right up out of a window on the 6th floor. It could have weighed over 122 metric tons. The fossil bones were discovered in 1897, they have since been lost. Subtract the guts and bones and that would still probably be around 200,000 pounds of meat. That would feed a lot of hungry cave men in their man caves I'll tell you!

Source: Wikipedia

Big Boat

The Mærsk Tripple E's (that's like my shoe size) are the widest and longest container ships allowed due to shipping port restrictions. They are 400 meters long and can carry 18,000 twenty-foot shipping containers. A shipping container is around 20' long by 8' tall and 8' wide. So 18,000 shipping containers would hold around 138,240,000 pizzas. That's a lot of man food too...

Source:  Mærsk 

Biggest Jerk

This post was kind of boring, so I figured it needed a big ending. Everyone knows a jerk, probably a lot of them. And I just knew I would find out about more than a few doing a Google search. Here's just a couple of beauties I found...

John M. Fiala is an accused pedophile priest. That alone would make him a big jerk, but there's more. After being accused by his child victim, Fiala offered a man $5,000 to kill the child. The man was an undercover
agent with the Texas Department of Public Safety. Needless to say Mr. Fiala is now just another big jerk behind bars...

Darren Pease stole over 300 thousand pounds from a trust fund of a quadruple amputee 5 year old girl… She was also his niece.

Sabreen Haq was 14 when she died of a brain tumor. Her wish was to have a bedroom in her own house before she died and her community came together and donated $120,000 so she could do that. Unfortunately they entrusted the money to Hamza Abuhamdeh, her cousin, and he bought a house for himself and rented it out to make money. He left Sabreen to die in her old apartment...


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